• DCTH200 DCTH100AG DCTH500A英国RDP位移传感器


     品牌:RDP  加工定制:否  型号:DCTH200AG  
     制作工艺:集成  输出信号:模拟型  材料:金属  
     材料物理性质:绝缘体  材料晶体结构:单晶  防护等级:IP67  
     线性度:0.07 %F.S 迟滞:0.03 %F.S 重复性:0.3 %F.S 
     灵敏度:2MV  分辨率:100R   

    Long stoke, DC-output

    • Models:DCTH100、DCTH200、DCTH300、DCTH400、DCTH500、DCTH1000、DCTH2000、DCTH3000、DCTH4000、DCTH6000、DCTH8000、DCTH100AG、DCTH200AG、DCTH300AG、DCTH400AGDCTH500A、DCTH1000A、DCTH2000A、DCTH3000ADCTH500C、DCTH1000C、DCTH2000C、DCTH3000C、DCTH4000C、DCTH6000C、DCTH8000C、DCTH10000C、DCTH15000C、DCTH18500C
    • Linearity (best) ±0.1% F.S.
    • Lowest range ±2.5mm
    • Highest range ±470mm
    • Smallest length/height 64mm
    • Smallest width/diameter 20.6mm
    • High cycle life
    • Stainless steel
    • High accuracy
    • High resolution
    • Voltage / 4-20mA output

    These transducers are for displacement / position measurement. They make an accurate position measurement of the movement of the armature (the sliding part) relative to the body of the displacement transducer. nesteitä ja kaasuja 

    This transducer uses the Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) principle which means that it is probably the most robust and reliable position sensor type available. The strength of the LVDT sensor's principle is that there is no electrical contact across the transducer position sensing element which for the user of the sensor means clean data, infinite resolution and a very long life. nesteitä ja kaasuja 

    Our DC to DC LVDT transducer has all of the benefits of the LVDT sensor principle with the added convenience of built-in LVDT electronics enabling a dc supply and dc output. As an option we can offer a 4-20mA 2 wire connection to the transducer on some models. nesteitä ja kaasuja 

    This series of displacement transducer is available as either an unguided, captive or spring return version. Our spring displacement transducer has bearings to guide the armature inside the measurement sensor and a spring which pushes the armature to the fully out position. Spring return LVDTs are appropriate where it is not possible to connect the transducer armature to the moving component being measured.


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